The Kittens are Coming!

Warning world!

Women everywhere are invited to join the Pink Kittens.

An online community of women who game together, shop together, hang out together, support each other and of course flirt and catch guys together!

We offer classes, pj parties, discussions, online events, guilds for bad ass game play, contests and so much more!

Although virtual sex is fun, our reach is much much greater!

Personal Goals:

A cheering squad to support your efforts, dreams and ideas. Wanna write a book? Lose weight? Take a vacation? Finish school? Open a business? Your sorority sisters can offer advice, moral support and virtual hugs for those tough times.

Hanging Out & Road Tripping:

Yep! We intend to plan trips for the hell of it! Meet your sisters in real and go on cruises, crash a buffet, go dancing, visit a casino or a bit of whale watching! Things we ladies love to do but not necessarily want to do alone.

Online Dating:

We visit multiple venues (as a team) where you can meet your perfect match, get his attention, hit him over the head… tie him up and take him home!

Okay, maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration.

Grown up Girls Scouts:

Challenge yourself to do more, be more or relax and veg out guilt free! Whatever you want to do, refocus your energy and take the plunge! PK products can be displayed proudly to remind yourself of every accomplishment as you acquire badges, complete quests and let loose and live!


Pink kittens are coming soon!

Check back often for updates!